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Detailed documentation : EC2 Descriptor.

EC2 instances descriptor is a script that wraps boto (Amazon Official SDK for python) to make it easier to use on traceability processes as well as to enforce “resources state changed” policies (creations, terminations, modifications). Also, a set of classes and methods is provided to interact with Airtable API (REST) without using an SDK.

It’s written and has been tested on Python 3.9.13. To avoid environment incompatibilities a venv is provided using Poetry.

The Script can be deployed locally and toward an AWS lambda function execution environment, according to the specification of SAM (Serverless Application Model).

Clone Project Repository

Use git clone:
git clone

or your favorite method for this task.

Create file

Inside app directory:


You’ll find the file, make a copy of it named and place it in the same location that

Command line one-liner options:

Copy-Item .\ .\
Linux distros with cp available
cp .\ .\

Clone Airtable Template

First, you need an Airtable account. Once you created one, continue.

Template: Airtable Template.

Open the template provided above and click on “copy base”

airtable base template

Replace file values with yours

API key

You can get your api key visiting the account section of your airtable profile: Airtable API Key.

Tables IDs and Base ID

Once you cloned the base, you can access it from the workspaces panel, located in the account section where the API key can also be found. Open your base, and check the URL. You can get the Base ID and the Tables IDs from it. Select the different tables to get the corresponding table ID.

airtable tables ids and base id from url

Open the virtual environment shell

Inside the repository root directory:

poetry shell

Install dependencies

Check if you’re inside the venv: Execute pwd command and verify that ec2-instance-descriptor-py3.9 name is present

Inside the venv shell (ec2-instance-descriptor-py3.9):

poetry install; poetry install -E all_extras

Execute locally

Inside the venv shell (ec2-instance-descriptor-py3.9), under app directory:

python ./

Execute with docker

Requisites: - aws cli configured locally, associated with a key with the necessary permissions

How to run: - create a file with necessaries variables in app folder called docker-env. if DEV_MODE is True you need to define AIRTABLE_API_KEY, AIRTABLE_BASE_ID, EC2_INSTANCES_TID and EC2_SECURITY_GROUPS_TID in and set in docker-env just DEV_MODE and AWS_PROFILE (the profile should exists on your local), when DEV_MODE is False you need to set the all the variables mentioned in docker-env

  • build the image

docker image build -t ec2-doc .
  • run

docker run -v ~/.aws/:/root/.aws:ro --env-file ./app/docker-env ec2-doc

How to deploy in kubernetes:

This tool uses IRSA, so make sure that it’s already set in the cluster

  • Define vars in deployment/ec2-doc/values.yaml

  • inside deployment/ec2-doc/ run:

helm install ec2-doc . --values values.yaml